Readying Arkansas for a lifetime of literacy

How We Do It

The work our community based literacy councils does would not be possible without their team of volunteers who bring their skills and compassion to the problem of adult literacy in Arkansas. Volunteering for adult literacy is both meaningful and rewarding work. There are a variety of capacities in which individuals can volunteer, and literacy councils throughout the state need tutors, support staff, and office staff. There is something for everything to do!

If you would like to volunteer, please e-mail “[email protected]”  or use our Contact Us form to request a referral to the literacy program closest to you, and we will put you in touch with your local council. You can also contact your local council directly by using the search features at the “Local Programs” tab on this site.

Volunteer tutors are trained to work one-on-one with adults who are reading below an eighth-grade reading level. Tutors and students can meet at the local council or anywhere in the community at any time of day. In training, volunteers learn how to work with adults who need to read better and/or learn English as a Second Language (ESL). If you want to become an ESL tutor, you only need to know the English language and have a desire to help the student.

Learn what some of our tutors have to say about their volunteer experience:


Contact Info

Thanks for visiting the website of Adult Learning Alliance of Arkansas.

124 W Capitol Ave, Suite 1000

Little Rock, AR 72201

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