Readying Arkansas for a lifetime of literacy

Congratulations to our 2019 Award Winners

ALA congratulates the 2019 award winners announced at their Annual Luncheon, A Kaleidoscope of Learning, held at the Clinton Presidential Center. Student of the Year was presented to Raymond Brashers, Ozark Foothills Literacy Council. Raymond knew the inner workings of a motor, could solve complex electrical and plumbing problems, and could build machines and houses. Raymond could write his name, but he didn’t know his alphabet, or how to break down words. He had no phonemic awareness at all. With lots of help and support from his tutor, Laura Landers, he recently has been reading full sentences. He’s a busy man, always taking others to the doctor, get groceries, or working odd jobs, but he always makes time to be at his lessons twice a week, and he listens to tape-recorded lessons in his truck when he can’t be in class. Raymond encourages others like himself to learn to read. 

The Tutor of the Year was presented to Mary Rowe, Eastern Arkansas Literacy Project. Mary is a AmeriCorps Volunteer literacy tutor at the Cross Council Literacy Council. A retired special education school teacher, and artist, Mary began planting seeds that are starting to sprout through partnerships and training. Mary has only been with the Council since January, and has made a tremendous impact through her dedication, commitment, leadership and experience. Both awards are sponsored by the Lawyers for Literacy Committee, Arkansas Bar Association.

Other awards presented at the luncheon:

  • Brinkley Workforce Center, Business Partner of the Year
  • Kenyann Lucas, Literacy Council of Garland County, Win Paul Rockefeller Leadership Award
  • Randi Horsley, Twin Lakes Literacy Council, Barbara Hanley Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Dionne Ester, Eastern Arkansas Literacy Project, AmeriCorps Member of the Year

Congratulations to all of our 2019 award winners!

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124 W Capitol Ave, Suite 1000

Little Rock, AR 72201

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