Blog Post: Webb’s Depth of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy for Adult Learners
As adult educators, our mission is to facilitate meaningful and effective learning experiences for our students. Two fundamental frameworks that
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As adult educators, our mission is to facilitate meaningful and effective learning experiences for our students. Two fundamental frameworks that
Teaching adults presents unique challenges and opportunities. As adult educators, our mission is not just to transfer knowledge but to
While we have marked aha! moments as a lightbulb over the head, a finger in the air, or a gasp,
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Thank you for visiting the website of Adult Learning Alliance of Arkansas.
Larry is a student of the Clark County Literacy Council in Arkadelphia. He and his tutor meet twice a week to work on his reading and writing skills.
Each student of the council establishes goals to work towards. Larry’s goals include employment and receiving a driver’s license. Recently, due to his hard work and dedication, Larry took the driving test. Not only did he pass, the instructor gave him a compliment for only missing a few questions.
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